Enjoy The Game Alien Invasion
In the year 3020, an evil alien race claiming to be descendants of a strange species once known as “Chickens” has launched an attack on Earth, abducting all the cows and leaving humanity without the ability to produce real cheese. For decades, humans have relied on a synthetic cheese made from an unpleasant mix of old newspapers and wet socks. However, hope was restored when researchers discovered a purple planet with a core made of cream cheese!
Now, humanity has established mining colonies on this distant planet, but the aliens are determined to destroy these colonies and take the cheese for themselves. Your mission is to defend the colonies by building units and structures to fend off the invading aliens. The objective is simple: keep at least one of your units alive for as long as possible while eliminating the alien invaders.
This game combines strategy and action as you manage your resources, build defenses, and engage in intense battles to protect the future of cheese production for all of humanity. Will you be able to save the colonies and secure the precious cream cheese, or will the aliens succeed in their sinister plan?